Stoonic (/'st(y)oo-nik/): to be active and in style through comfort and motivation.

Defining a brand is crucial to its identity and connection with its audience, which is why we are so excited to define what Stoonic means to us and for you. Stoonic was created from the simple idea of merging two forces that drive the women in the world: health and fashion. This brand is for THE WOMAN. Meaning that Stoonic pushes to inspire and connect with those who love life, aim to live it as great as possible, and enjoy being stylish no matter what. Our goal is to influence women to connect with themselves, and even their comforts to motivate a fierce, moving lifestyle. We believe that when you connect with who you are you are able to tap into your greatness with stylish creativity for the lifestyle that is best for you.

Everyday is a performance, and Stoonic is here to support your body with activewear that is luxurious, fashionable, innovative, functional, and powerful. We aim to influence how women shop by giving them softness and edge in activewear that can set their daily moods and energy. Our activewear is just as versatile as women, and stylishly compliments their lifestyles of making major moves.

Now that we're more acquainted, we hope to connect further through our blogs, pop-up events, and social media. Be sure to follow us on instagram and facebook, as well as join or tribe by subscribing to our email list. Connecting with you is our priority, and we work to give you amazing health and fashion experiences for positive influence. Thank you for your support! You are one step closer to getting active and in style with Stoonic.

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